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아래는 그 내용이야 ppkm


(formal SE SATGAS should follow today BUT all the rules below were announced by the President last night)

Minister of Domestic Affairs Tito Karnavian has issued Minister of Domestic Affairs Instruction No. 14/2021 on the implementation of Restriction on Public Activities in the Micro Scale (PPKM Mikro) and the optimization of COVID-19 Command Post on the Village and District Level. The instruction effectively extends the government’s lockdown policy known as PPKM-Mikro, and affirms the heightened restrictive policies that the government is taking following the resurgence of COVID-19, which is occurring due to the increased mobility of people during and after the national holiday season earlier in May, as well as the spread of the Delta variant of the corona virus in Indonesia


President Joko Widodo has officially announced the implementation of Emergency PPKM in Java and Bali on 3-20 July 2021.

The regulations of Emergency PPKM have been made by the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment with the title “Government Intervention in Handling COVID-19”. The regulations lay out that the Emergency PPKM period in Java and Bali has a target of decreasing the addition of daily confirmed cases to less than 10,000 per day.

There are several important policies announced by the government to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

Here are the rules in full for Emergency PPKM:

1) Implementation period of emergency PPKM: 3-20 July 2021 with a target of decreasing the addition of daily confirmation cases

2) Areas covered: 45 regencies or cities with an assessment score of four and 76 districts or cities with an assessment score of three in Java and Bali.

III. Scope of restrictions:

1) 100 percent work from home for non-essential sectors

2) All teaching and learning activities will be carried out online

3) For essential sectors, a maximum of 50 percent of staff are to work from the office with health protocols in place and for critical sectors, a maximum of 100 percent of work from office staff is allowed with health protocols

4) Essential sectors include finance and banking, capital markets, payment systems, information and communication technology, non-quarantine handling hotels, and export-oriented industries

5) Critical sectors are energy, health, security, logistics and transportation, food, beverage and supporting industries, petrochemicals, cement, national vital objects, disaster management, national strategic projects, construction, basic utilities like electricity and water, as well as industrial needs fulfilment of everyday staples

6) For supermarkets, traditional markets, grocery stores, and supermarkets that sell daily necessities, operating hours are limited to 8pm closing local time with a visitor capacity of 50 percent

7) Activities at shopping centres and trade centres are closed

8) Restaurants can only accept delivery and take away

9) The implementation of construction activities at construction sites and project sites can operate at 100 percent capacity by implementing stricter health protocols

10) Places of worship such as mosques, prayer rooms, churches, temples, and pagodas as well as other public places that function as places of worship are temporarily closed

11) Public facilities such as public areas, public parks, public tourist attractions, and others are temporarily closed

12) Art or cultural, sports, and social activities are temporarily closed

13) Public transportation such as mass transportation, conventional and online taxis, and rental vehicles will have a maximum capacity of 70 percent by implementing stricter health protocols

14) Wedding receptions can only be attended by a maximum of 30 people by implementing stricter health protocols and guests are not allowed to eat at the reception. Food can still be provided in sealed containers to take home

15) Travellers who use long-distance transportation such as airplanes, buses, and trains must show a vaccine card showing at least the first dose being given, and show a PCR swab test for planes and antigen tests for other long-distance transportation

16) Regional government municipal police, national armed forces, and national police are to carry out strict supervision of the implementation of the tightening of community activities above, especially in point 3.

17) Strengthening of testing, tracing, and treatment needs to be continuously applied

18) Testing needs to be improved to reach a minimum of one out of 1,000 of the population per week. Testing needs to be increased until the positive rate is less than 5 percent. Testing needs to be continuously improved for suspected cases, i.e. those who are symptomatic their close contacts

19) Tracing should be carried out until there are more than 15 close contacts per confirmed case. Quarantine needs to be carried out for those identified as close contacts. Once identified, close contacts should be checked and quarantine needs to be carried out

If the test result is positive, then isolation is necessary. If the test result is negative, then quarantine is necessary. On the 5th day of quarantine, it is necessary to carry out an exit test to see if the virus is detected after or during the incubation period. If negative, then the patient is considered to have completed quarantine

1) Treatment needs to be done comprehensively according to the severity of the symptoms. Only patients with moderate, severe, and critical symptoms need to be hospitalised. Isolation needs to be done strictly to prevent transmission

2) Achievement of vaccination target of 70 percent of the total population in priority cities and districts is no later than August 2021.

The following is a list of areas that are affected by Emergency PPKM:

1) Tangerang City

2) South Tangerang City

3) Purwakarta

4) West Jakarta

5) East Jakarta

6) South Jakarta

7) North Jakarta

8) Central Jakarta

9) Sukoharjo

10) Sleman

11) Tulungagung

12) Kota Tasikmalaya

13) Rembang

14) Yogyakarta City

15) Sidoarjo

16) Sukabumi City

17) Pati

18) Bantul

19) Madiun

20) Depok City

21) Bekasi

22) Kudus

23) Lamongan

24) Cirebon City

25) Tegal City

26) Surabaya City

27) Cimahi City

28) Surakarta City

29) Mojokerto City

30) Bogor City

31) Semarang City

32) Malang City

33) Bekasi City

34) Salatiga City

35) Madiun City

36) Banjar City

37) Magelang City

38) Kediri City

39) Bandung City

40) Klaten

41) Blitar City

42) Karawang

43) Kebumen

44) Grobogan

45) Banyumas

46) Tangerang

47) Sumedang

48) Kepulauan Seribu

49) Wonosobo

50) Kulon Progo

51) Tuban

52) Denpasar City

53) Serang

54) Sukabumi

55) Wonogiri

56) Gunungkidul

57) Trenggalek

58) Jembrana

59) Lebak

60) Subang

61) Temanggung

62) Situbondo

63) Buleleng

64) Serang City

65) Pangandaran

66) Tegal

67) Ponorogo

68) Badung

69) Cilegon City

70) Majalengka

71) Sragen

72) Pasuruan

73) Gianyar

74) Kuningan

75) Semarang

76) Pamekasan

77) Klungkung

78) Indramayu

79) Purbalingga

80) Pacitan

81) Bangli

82) Garut

83) Pemalang

84) Ngawi

85) Cirebon

86) Pekalongan

87) Nganjuk

88) Cianjur

89) Magelang

90) Mojokerto

91) Ciamis

92) Pekalongan City

93) Malang

94) Bogor

95) Kendal

96) Magetan

97) West Bandung

98) Karanganyar

99) Lumajang

100) Bandung

101) Jepara

102) Probolinggo City

103) Pasuruan City

104) Demak

105) Batu City

106) Cilacap

107) Kediri

108) Brebes

109) Jombang

110) Boyolali

111) Jember

112) Blora

113) Gresik

114) Batang

115) Bondowoso

116) Banjarnegara

117) Bojonegoro

118) Blitar

119) Banyuwangi

120) Bangkala