공모개요 _ Overview
OWHC 본부사무처의 국제영상공모전과 연계하여, OWHC 아태지역사무처(OWHC-AP)에서 2023 OWHC-AP 아태지역 세계유산도시 영상공모전을 개최합니다!
유산과 삶의 질(Heritage and Quality of Life)를 주제로, OWHC-AP의 6개국에 걸친 24개 회원도시를 담은 여러분들의 영상을 보내주세요.
The 2023 OWHC-AP Video Competition is well underway!
In conjunction with the 2023 OWHC International Video Production Competition, the OWHC Asia-Pacific Regional Secretariat (the OWHC-AP) is pleased to announce that the 2023 OWHC-AP Video Competition is now open for your participation!
With the theme of Heritage and Quality of Life, the OWHC-AP RS invites your original and creative videos featuring the 24 OWHC-AP World Heritage Member Cities, which are 24 Cities spanning across 6 different Asia-Pacific nations.
참가자격 _ Eligibility
참가자 연령에 따른만14-17세 부문 및 만18-21세 부문(총 2부문 중 1 부문 선택). 개인 또는 팀(최대 3인)으로 참가 가능합니다.
The 2023 OWHC-AP Video Competition is divided into two participant groups based on the participant’s age – one being between 14 and 17 of age, and the other between 18 and 21.You may enter as an individual, or if you would like, you can form a team up to three people.
제출기한 _ Deadline
2023년 5월 10일 18:00시까지, 여러분의 영상을세계유산도시기구 아태지역사무처 이메일로 보내주세요.이메일 주소:owhc-ap@korea.kr
Please submit your video submission, along with the attached forms filled outvia email at owhc-ap@korea.kr by May 10th, 2023 18:00 (Korean Standard Time)!
시상내역 _ Prizes
2023 OWHC-AP 아태지역 세계유산도시 영상공모전의 각 부문 1위부터 3등까지는 아래와 같이 상금이 수여되며,OWHC 본무사무처의 최종 결선에 진출하게 됩니다
▶ 1위
- 14-17세 부문: 800,000원
- 18 – 21세 부문: 1,000,000원
▶ 2위
- 14-17세 부문: 600,000원
- 18 – 21세 부문: 800,000원
▶ 3위
- 14-17세 부문: 300,000원
- 18 – 21세 부문: 500,000원
The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Winners of each age group will win a prize, as well as advancing to the OWHC International Video Production hosted by the OWHC General Secretariat based in Quebec City, Cadada!
Ranking Prize(all in South Korean Won)
▶ 1st
- 14-17 Age group: 800,000 WON
- 18 – 21Age group: 1,000,000 WON
▶ 2nd
- 14-17 Age group: 600,000 WON
- 18 – 21Age group: 800,000 WON
▶ 3rd
- 14-17 Age group: 300,000 WON
- 18 – 21Age group: 500,000 WON
필수요소 _ Mandatory Requirements
▶제출 영상의 필수요소를 꼭 지켜주세요!
- 영상은 OWHC 아태지역사무처의 회원도시만을 담아야 합니다. (회원도시 리스트는 여기 링크를 클릭하세요!(https://www.ovpm.org/secretariat/asia-pacific/)
- 영상은 공모전의 주제(유산과 삶의 질)를 꼭 지켜주세요.
- 영상은 ■영문■ 자막 또는 나레이션의 형식으로, 여러분의 세계유산과 세계유산도시 주민들의 삶의 질의 비전을 담아주세요!
- 영상의 길이는 최소 3분 ~ 최대 5분까지입니다.
- 영상의 파일형식은 .wmv, .avi, .mov, .mp4, 또는 mpeg4로 해 주세요.
- 각 영상은 여러분만의 개성을 담은 제목이있어야되요.
- 1인(개인참가자)또는 1팀(팀 참가자)는 1개의 영상만을 제출 할 수 있어요.
▶ Here are the mandatory requirements for your video submission
- Your video needs tofeature an OWHC-AP Member City or Cities
(For the list of the OWHC-AP Member Cities, please refer to the webpage at https://www.ovpm.org/secretariat/asia-pacific/);
- Your video needs to be in accordance with the THEME of the Video Competition;
- Your video needs to contain YOUR VISION for World Heritage and the quality of life for the city’s residents in the form of a narration or on-script texts (but not too much!);
- Your video needs to be at least 3 minutes, up to 5 minutes;
- The file format of your video needs to be in either .wmv, .avi, .mov, .mp4, or mpeg4;
- Your video needs tohave its own UNIQUE TITLE; and,
- You can submit 1 VIDEOper 1 individual participant or 1 team participant;
선택사항 _ Optional Requirements
▶ 제출 영상의 선택요소는 아래와 같아요!
- 영상에 노래를 삽입 하실 때,노래 가사를 자막으로 삽입 가능해요.
- 영상의 해상도는 최소 FHD (1980 x 1080), 최대로4K해주세요
▶ Here are some optional requirements for your video submission:
- (optional) You can use music in your video. If you are inserting a song, you can insert the lyrics in the form of a subtitle in the video.
- (optional) The OWHC-AP strongly recommends that for the quality of your video, it is filmed at least in FHD (1980 x 1080), up to 4K.
영상 참고사항 _ Details to Include in Your Video
▶아래와같은질문에대하여, 본인의영상의본인만의창의적인솔루션을넣어보세요!
1. 여러분이촬영하는세계유산도시가, 그주민들의삶의질을높이기위해서어떤사업이나행동을했던가요? 어떤부문(예를들어이동수단, 녹지, 지역서비스등)이던가요?
2. 여러분이촬영하는세계유산도시가어떻게하면더발전할지영상에본인의제안을넣어보세요!
3. 어떤도시관련프로젝트가여러분이촬영하는세계유산도시의시민들의삶의질을더좋게할수있을까요?
▶만 18세 ~ 21세부문은다음질문들을영상은좀더깊이탐구해보세요
- 여러분이촬영하는세계유산도시가도시개발,유산보호,거주민들의삶의질에대해서어떻게절충안을찾을수있을가요?
- 세계유산도시의다양한모습을촬영하시면,본인의생각을예시와제안을통해서구체적으로영상과함께표현해보세요!
▶ Here are what we expect from your video to show the rest of the world!
1. What actions or projects has your city put in place to offer a certain quality of life to its inhabitants? In which sector(s) – mobility, green spaces, local services, etc.?
2. What suggestions for improvement would you have for your city?
3. What projects could be developed that would contribute to improving the quality of life in your city?
▶ The 18-21 years old can explore further into the additional questions listed below in your video submission!
- How does or should your city reconcile its urban development with the preservation of its heritage and the quality of life of its residents?
- Elaborate your thoughts with examples and proposals through a video showing the different heritage elements of your city.
주의사항 _ Beware of Copyright Infringement
- 영상은 ■영문■ 자막 또는 나레이션의 형식으로, 여러분의 세계유산과 세계유산도시 주민들의 삶의 질의 비전을 담아주세요!
- 영상의 제3자의 이미지,클립,소리 등을 삽입하실 때,저작권 침해가 되지 않도록 유의해주세요!
여러분의 개성있고 창의적인 영상을 기다릴께요!
Important! Please make sure that you do not violate any copyright if you are inserting a 3rd party clips, footages, sounds, or images in your video submission!
문 의 _ Inquires
세계유산도시기구 아태지역사무처(OWHC-AP), owhc-ap@korea.kr
Please contact the OWHC-AP Regional Secretariat at owhc-ap@korea.kr